Ecotric Tornado Fat Tire Electric Mountain Bike Review

Ecotric Tornado Fat Tire Electric Mountain Bike Review

It seems that electric mountain bikes have finally caught up with traditional ones when it comes to performance and comfort. Since their introduction, e-bikes have always lagged behind standard off-road bicycles. With the Ecotirc Tornado Fat Tire Electric Mountain bike, this is changing. Now, there’s an electric mountain bike with full-suspension and a configuration designed…

BAKCOU Mule Elite Electric Hunting Bike Review

BAKCOU Mule Elite Electric Hunting Bike Review | With Full Hunters Package

In this BAKCOU Mule Elite Electric Hunting Bike review, you’ll learn what you need to know about these powerful offroad electric mountain bike. Electric hunting bikes are coming to the attention for hunters because it’s a fast vehicle for you to get to the site. It runs in near silence thanks to the electric-powered engine so…

Best Folding Electric Mountain Bikes by Ecotric

Full Review Of The Best Ecotric Folding Electric Mountain Bikes

You can now buy a folding electric mountain bike that can handle all kinds of offroad terrain and inclines for the same price as a decent standard model mountain bike. Today, I’m writing a review of the top 4 folding mountain e-bikes that Ecotric has available. Folding bikes are not a new concept, but a…